Different types of eyebrow tattoo and which is best for you

What are the different types of eyebrow tattooing and which is right for you?

Getting an eyebrow tattoo gives you brows that stay put no matter what—no smudging or wiping off. But if you're not ready to commit to a semi-permanent brow shape just yet, you could consider a temporary option. Let's look at the different types of eyebrow tattooing you can choose from - semi-permanent and temporary - to get your dream brows.


Different types of eyebrow tattoos 

When it comes to eyebrow tattoos, you've got a range of semi-permanent techniques to enhance your eyebrows and bring out your features to choose from. Eyebrow tattoos are the go-to solution for defined brows without the daily fuss.

Cosmetic eyebrows


Cosmetic eyebrow tattoos

Cosmetic eyebrow tattoos use micro-pigmentation or 'cosmetic tattooing' techniques to create the illusion of fuller eyebrows. 

3D eyebrow tattoos (microblading)

Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo technique using a handheld tool with fine needles to create hair-like strokes that mimic your natural eyebrow hairs, whereas traditional brow tattooing uses a machine. 

This procedure involves depositing pigment into the upper reticular part of the dermal layer of your skin using fine needles.

3D eyebrow microblading (also known as micro-feathering) typically uses a technique called "feathering" to create the illusion of depth and dimension in the eyebrows. 

This technique involves creating multiple, overlapping hair-like strokes in different shades of pigment. The result is a more realistic and natural-looking brow which generally lasts from 6 to 18 months.

Powdered brow tattoo

Want that makeup-finished look for your brows? Say hello to the powdered eyebrow tattoo method.

Often referred to as ombre pixel misting or powder brows, this technique employs a unique tool to deliver a gradient, soft, and powdery effect. 

Perfect for those who fancy a fuller brow aesthetic. Depending on your skin type and daily habits, these cosmetic eyebrow tattoos usually last up to 2 years. 


Different types of temporary eyebrow tattoos

Not quite ready to commit to a semi-permanent brow tattoo? One of these temporary options might be for you instead.

Temporary eyebrow tattoo options

Stick on eyebrow tattoos - transfer tattoos

Stick-on eyebrows are like temporary tattoos – they mimic the look of microbladed brows. Just press them onto clean skin with a damp cloth, peel, and voilà! Using water-soluble dyes and adhesives, they stay on your skin, and you've got brows that last up to five days.

Cardani eyebrow tattoos 

Cardani eyebrows are another 'stick on' option. Made from real human hair, Cardani eyebrows are individually hand-placed on a skin-like, flexible gel backing, giving them a natural appearance. 

Cardani eyebrows are designed specifically for those who have lost their eyebrow hair due to alopecia, trichotillomania, or other medical conditions. 

That said, they can also be an option if you want to experiment with the shape or colour of your brows before going all in on other methods like 3D eyebrows or microblading.

Henna eyebrow tattoos 

Henna is an age-old natural dye used for skin and hair colouring. It's a popular temporary alternative for those wanting fuller brows without the permanence of a brow tattoo.

However, they are quite short-lived, with Henna eye tattoos lasting only about 1-2 weeks. Longevity is influenced by the henna's quality, your skin type, and lifestyle habits. For example, if you have oily skin or are a regular at the gym or sauna sweating it out, your henna brows will fade quicker.

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Best eyebrows for your face shape 

Remember that getting perfect eyebrows isn't just about choosing between different types of eyebrow tattoos; it's also about identifying what works best for your face shape. 

So whether you go for 3D, cosmetic, stick on or henna brow solutions - always keep your unique features in mind. The key is choosing a design that complements your bone structure.

Here's a quick guide for selecting the right brow shape based on your face shape:

Best eyebrows for your face shape

Oval Face Shape

  • General Characteristics: Forehead is slightly wider than the chin, with high cheekbones and a face length that is 1.5 times the width.
  • Brow Tips: An oval face is often considered the most versatile and balanced shape, so a soft-angled eyebrow works best. It's neither too sharp nor too round, maintaining the harmonious proportions of an oval face.

Round Face Shape

  • General Characteristics: Width and length of your face are nearly the same, and your cheeks are the widest part of the face.
  • Brow Tips: Aim for a high, sharp arch to elongate the appearance of the face. This will help break up the roundness and give the illusion of a more oval shape.

Long (or Oblong) Face Shape

  • General Characteristics: Your face length is the greatest dimension, while your forehead, cheeks, and jawline have similar widths.
  • Brow Tips: A flat and somewhat horizontal brow works best, creating the illusion of a shorter face. Avoid high arches, as they might elongate the face even more.

Square Face Shape

  • General Characteristics: Your jawline is prominent and square and your forehead, cheekbones, and jawline have similar widths.
  • Brow Tips: Opt for softly rounded brows or a strong, angular brow. Go with rounded brows if you want to soften the jawline's appearance. For those embracing the squareness, an angular brow can be very striking and complementary.

 Heart Face Shape

  • General Characteristics: A wider forehead with high cheekbones and a pointed chin. It can sometimes come with a widow's peak.
  • Brow Tips: A soft, rounded arch works best for heart-shaped faces. Avoid heavily drawn or overly angular brows, as these can make the chin appear even narrower.

 Diamond Face Shape

  • General Characteristics: Your face is very angular with the cheekbones as the widest part and a narrow forehead and jawline.
  • Brow Tips: A curved brow shape will help soften the angles of the face and make the widest portion of the face look less wide.

At Tanya Beauty Care, we specialise in creating the perfect semi-permanent brow for our beautiful clients. 

We offer a range of cosmetic eyebrow tattoo options, including Micro-Feather Brows, Ombré Pixel Misting, and TBC Signature Combination Brows - our popular signature technique. Book your consultation today.

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February 15, 2024 — Anne Do
How long do eyebrow tattoos last?

How long do eyebrow tattoos last? Factors and timeline

“How long do eyebrow tattoos last?” is one of the most common questions we get from our clients. Here’s what you need to know about semi-permanent brow tattoos and how to keep them looking their best, for longer. 


How Long Do Eyebrow Tattoos Last?

Depending on what type of brow you choose and how well they're taken care of, semi-permanent eyebrow tattoos can last anywhere from one to five years.

Permanent vs. Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Tattoos 

Traditional tattoo (Permanent)

A traditional brow tattoo is done with a machine and is considered permanent. However, cosmetic tattooing has come a long way since brow tattooing began with this technique. Microblading and Ombré Pixel Misting give a much more natural look and allow for greater customisation in shape and density.

Microblading (Semi-permanent): Two years

Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo done by hand rather than with a tattoo machine, like a traditional permanent tattoo. The artist uses a small blade to create natural-looking hair strokes, and the ink is deposited just under the skin's surface.

While this means the result doesn't last as long, microblading creates a more natural-looking eyebrow by creating a look that appears just like real hair.

Microblading typically lasts up to two years, depending on factors such as your skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare. The delicate strokes may fade more quickly, especially on oilier skin, so touch-ups are generally needed more frequently.

If you want a very natural look, this method is excellent because it offers a gorgeous subtle enhancement to shape, fullness, and arch. However, microblading does require more frequent maintenance to keep the look fresh.

At Tanya Beauty Care, we use the microblading technique in our salon to create various eye brow styles, including Micro-feather Brows and our TBC Signature Combination brows.

Tanya Beauty specialise in tattooed brows

Ombré Pixel Misting (Semi-permanent): Up to five years

Ombré Pixel Misting, also known as ombre powder brows, gives a soft powdered appearance similar to makeup. This technique uses a machine to insert pigment, and Powder Brows usually last longer than microbladed brows - up to five years.

The technique results in a more densely packed pigment, which typically fades more slowly than the delicate strokes of microblading.

If you want a more defined, makeup-like appearance requiring less frequent touch-ups, Powder Brow may be your choice. We usually recommend it if you have oilier skin or are very active with exercise and sweat a lot, as the pigment tends to retain better.

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Healing Process of Eyebrow Tattoos 

Whether you choose microblading or Ombré Pixel Misting, the healing process of eyebrow tattoos plays a key role in how long they’ll last. During the initial phase, proper care is needed to avoid scabbing and loss of pigment.

  • Days 1-2: Brows will appear darker and more defined.
  • Days 3-4: The area may feel itchy as the healing begins.
  • Days 5-7: The brows may lighten and appear patchy.
  • Weeks 2-4: The brows will return to their normal colour, with a softer and more natural appearance.
  • Week 5 onwards: The final touch-up session should be scheduled if necessary.
  • One to two months: The complete healing process, with the tattooed area settling into its final appearance.


Factors That Affect Eyebrows Tattoos Longevity 

Several things can impact exactly how long your eyebrow tattoo will last. Understanding the factors that affect eyebrow tattoos longevity can help you keep your brows looking their best for as long as possible.

Your skin type: Oily or mature skin

Oily skin may cause the pigment to blur or fade more quickly, as the excess oil can break down the ink. 

Mature skin might be more delicate and also retain pigment less effectively. Proper aftercare and touch-ups may be necessary to maintain the look.

How much time you spend in the sun 

The sun causes the pigment in eyebrow tattoos to fade quicker. UV rays break down the ink particles, leading to premature fading. Wearing a hat or using SPF on the brows can slow fading.

Your lifestyle 

Smoking can affect blood flow to the skin, potentially causing tattoos to fade faster - you can take this as your sign to quit! Swimming frequently in chlorinated pools can also affect longevity, as chlorine can bleach the ink.

The skincare products you use 

Ingredients like retinoids and exfoliating acids accelerate skin cell turnover, leading to quicker pigment fading, so it is recommended to avoid skincare products containing these ingredients.

The skill of your brow artist  

An expert cosmetic tattoo artist will know how to work with different skin types and conditions to ensure the pigment is inserted at the correct depth and consistency. Choosing a highly skilled professional ensures that you receive a high-quality result that lasts.

A skilled brow artist will achieve high-quality results


Best Aftercare for Eyebrow Tattoos

As they heal, make sure you prioritise the best aftercare for eyebrow tattoos. This will help everything go smoothly at each stage and maximise the longevity of your brows.

Avoid makeup and face creams around the brows for at least two weeks: Makeup and certain skincare creams may contain ingredients that can interfere with healing. Skip these steps in your routine to help the pigment settle properly into the skin and allow for the intended colour retention.

Don't get your sweat on for one week: Exposure to steam, saunas, or heavy sweating from exercise can open the pores and may cause the pigment to blur or fade prematurely. 

Do not pick, scratch, or rub the brows: The brows may feel itchy while they heal. Picking, scratching, or rubbing can cause scarring, uneven healing, and loss of pigment. Refrain from picking so the final result is smooth and even.

Use a clean pillowcase to prevent infection: Your freshly tattooed eyebrows are more susceptible to infection. Using a clean pillowcase minimises exposure to bacteria and other potential irritants, reducing the risk of complications.

No facials, botox, or chemical treatments for four weeks: These treatments can irritate the newly tattooed skin or affect the pigment. Waiting at least four weeks ensures that your eyebrow tattoos have healed enough and are not at risk of being damaged by other cosmetic treatments.

Whether you're considering microblading or Ombré Pixel Misting, knowing the factors that affect their longevity, healing process, and proper aftercare will help you maintain fresh, beautiful-looking brows for longer.


Have questions? Contact our team -  we’d love to talk to you about your dream brows.

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February 15, 2024 — Anne Do
How much does eyebrow feathering cost?

How much does eyebrow feathering cost?

Eyebrow feathering is the answer to gorgeous, natural looking brows without daily fuss. But what's the price tag? Dive in as we break down the eyebrow feathering cost and see if it's a good fit for you.


What is Eyebrow Feathering?

Eyebrow feathering, also known as feather tattoo eyebrows, microfeather brows or feather touch eyebrows, offers a way to sport natural, full, and feathery eyebrows round-the-clock. 

Unlike the traditional eyebrow tattoo treatments, which can sometimes appear overly harsh or unnatural, eyebrow feathering focuses on crafting hair-like strokes that mimic real eyebrow hairs, guaranteeing a natural-looking result.

Say goodbye to the daily routine of pencilling your eyebrows and embrace a morning where your brows are already perfect.


Eyebrow Feathering Cost

At Tanya Beauty Care, our eyebrow feathering price is $1200. This price not only includes the initial procedure but also a complimentary touch-up within 6 to 12 weeks of the initial session. 

The touch-up is a crucial part of the eyebrow feathering process for several reasons:

  • After the initial procedure, the skin undergoes a healing process. During this time, some parts of the eyebrow might not retain the pigment as well as others. The touch-up ensures that any unevenness or gaps are addressed, providing a more uniform and polished look.
  • Everyone's skin reacts differently to the procedure. Some might experience a lighter fading of the pigment, while for others, it might be more pronounced. The touch-up session allows the technician to reinforce the pigment, ensuring longevity and vibrancy.
  • The touch-up appointment provides an opportunity to refine the eyebrows based on how they have healed and settled. Any adjustments to shape, thickness, or colour can be made during this time.
  • We want each of our clients to be totally satisfied and in love with their eyebrows! The touch-up session is an opportunity to address any concerns or preferences the client might have after living with their new brows for a few weeks.

By including a touch-up within the price, we ensure that our clients receive the best possible results and are pleased with their new, beautifully feathered brows.


Factors that affect eyebrow feathering cost

Skill of the Artist

Unsurprisingly, the expertise of the artist influences the eyebrow feathering cost. 

Like many other professions, mastery in cosmetic procedures is often reflected in the pricing. 

Eyebrow feathering is a procedure that demands precision and expertise; mistakes or subpar work can have lasting consequences for your appearance and confidence. 

We always advise prioritising skill and experience over seeking the lowest price. At Tanya Beauty Care, our artists are not only highly skilled but undergo continuous training to stay updated with the latest techniques and trends in the industry.

Type of Pigment Used 

The quality and type of pigment used can affect the cost. High-quality pigments ensure vibrant, long-lasting colours and are usually hypoallergenic, reducing the chances of adverse reactions. 

These pigments might be priced higher, but they offer more value in the long run. At Tanya Beauty Care, we don't compromise on quality. 

We use only the highest quality pigments, ensuring fresh, vibrant colours while keeping the safety and comfort of our clients in mind.

Follow-up Sessions

The inclusion of touch-up sessions in the initial price can affect the total eyebrow feathering cost. 

Touch-ups are vital for perfecting the look after the initial healing phase and addressing any pigment unevenness or gaps that may have appeared. 

While some salons might charge separately for these sessions, others, like Tanya Beauty Care, believe in offering comprehensive services. Our initial cost includes a touch-up session, underscoring our commitment to ensuring our clients receive the best possible results without any hidden fees.


Checking Reviews: You Get What You Pay For

You want to make sure you're getting gorgeous results for your investment; brows you truly love. This is where checking out reviews comes in super handy.

Real experiences: Read firsthand accounts from those who've been to the salon. They can clue you in on the artist's skill, how comfortable the procedure felt, hygiene standards, and of course -  if they loved their new brows!

Consistency in quality: Loads of glowing reviews? That's a sign of consistently fab service. Remember, patterns in feedback give you the real scoop on what to expect.

Addressing concerns: It's also a good sign to see how a salon handles any hiccups. Quick, caring responses? That's a salon that's got your back.

As a leader in cosmetic eyebrow tattoo procedures, like eyebrow feathering, in Sydney, our glowing track record is evident in our 300+ 5-star Google reviews and the impressive transformations showcased in our before and after photos.

Our reviews shine a light on our commitment to making sure every client leaves with a smile (and stunning brows!)

Before and after our feathered brows treatment


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Is Eyebrow Feathering Price Worth It?

The initial eyebrow feathering cost might seem like quite an investment. However, when you consider the benefits, you can see how it can be a worthy spend. 

Here's a breakdown of the advantages:


Unlike regular eyebrow tinting or filling with makeup, eyebrow feathering offers semi-permanent results. This means you can enjoy beautifully defined brows for months, without the need for daily maintenance and makeup application.

Natural Appearance

One of the biggest benefits of eyebrow feathering is its ability to create brows that look incredibly natural. The technique involves creating hair-like strokes that blend seamlessly with existing brow hairs.

Time Savings

Think about all the time spent over months or years perfecting your brows with makeup. Eyebrow feathering eliminates this daily ritual, gifting you with extra time every day.

Confidence Boost

With perfectly feathered brows framing your face, you can step out confidently, knowing that your brows look impeccable at every moment.

Saving Money in the Long Run

When you factor in the expense of quality brow products, regular salon visits for tinting, and the value of your time saved, the investment in eyebrow feathering often proves more cost-effective.

Hassle-Free Maintenance

After the initial session and touch-up, you can largely forget about your brows in terms of daily maintenance. This is super beneficial if you have a busy lifestyle, hit the gym regularly or simply prefer a more effortless beauty routine.

At Tanya Beauty Care, our aim isn't just to deliver great brows but to boost your confidence and simplify your routine. So, is eyebrow feathering worth the price? For so many, the benefits it brings makes it a resounding 'yes!'.

Stunning, long lasting brows


What costs are involved in eyebrow feathering aftercare?

You’ve made the investment in getting those brows on point and correct aftercare will prolong their life - feathered eyebrows generally last from 6 to 18 months.  

You’ll receive a healing ointment from Tanya Beauty Care as part of your eyebrow feathering package and we recommend a touch-up from 6 to 12 weeks after your initial appointment, which is included in the cost of your eyebrow feathering. If you require your brows to be refreshed after that time, eyebrow tattoo maintenance will cost between $150 (within 3 months) and $800 (after 2 to 3 years). 

There are a few immediate aftercare tips that can make sure that money is well-spent and ensure the longevity of your brows.

Keep your brows dry: For the first week, no water on the brows. It helps the colour stay in place.

Use the cream: We give you a special cream, part of your package. Put it on to help with healing and maintain the colour.

Avoid direct sun: Too much sun can make the colour fade. When out and about, wear sunscreen or a hat.

Stay gentle: No rough scrubbing or exfoliating on the brows.


Cost of removing an eyebrow tattoo

If a cosmetic procedure didn't quite go as expected, sometimes tattoos don't turn out the way we hope. When this happens it's crucial to turn to trusted professionals for correction, to ensure you don't make the issue even worse.

At Tanya Beauty Care, we bring our extensive experience with laser tattoo removal and meticulous approach to each session.

In Australia, the cost of laser cosmetic tattoo removal isn't one-size-fits-all. Several factors determine the price, such as the tattoo's size, the volume of ink, and the presence of any scar tissue.

Tanya Beauty Care's Pricing Structure:

  • First Session: $300
  • Second Session: $250
  • Third Session: $200
  • Fourth Session: $150

The exact number of sessions required will vary for each person. During our initial consultation, we provide a clear breakdown, helping you understand the journey ahead and ensure there are no surprises.

The bottom line? Choose an artist and salon wisely from the beginning, and you're more likely to avoid unexpected costs and disappointments down the line.


Is Eyebrow Feathering the Right Choice for You?


  • Great for sparse or over-plucked brows.
  • Ideal for those wanting a faster morning routine.
  • Helpful for hair loss from conditions like alopecia or treatments.
  • Suitable for sensitive or oily skin types.


  • Avoid if you have current skin issues near the brows.
  • Consult a doctor if pregnant, nursing, or on certain medications.
  • May not be ideal for those with specific scar types like keloids.

Ready for the ultimate brow transformation? Contact Tanya Beauty Care today and let our experts guide you to your best brows yet. Don’t keep your dream brows waiting!

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February 15, 2024 — Esther Buttery
Eyebrow microblading longevity

How long does eyebrow microblading last? Factors and timeline

Eyebrow microblading promises fuller, natural-looking brows without the daily hassle of makeup. But how long does microblading last? You're in the right place to find out! We'll break down the eyebrow microblading timeline: how long you can expect your microbladed brows to stay fresh, what makes them fade quicker, and why taking care of them properly is a game-changer.

Microblading is a popular semi-permanent eyebrow tattooing technique that offers a natural look by using a handheld tool with fine needles to create hair-like strokes. 

Unlike traditional eyebrow tattoos, which use a machine to inject ink more deeply into the skin, microblading involves a more superficial insertion of pigment. This fundamental difference impacts the longevity of the tattoo. 

How Long Does Eyebrow Microblading Last?

On average, microbladed eyebrows can last anywhere from one to three years, depending on various factors, which we'll take a look at in a moment. 

While traditional tattoos may last for years, the effects of microblading typically fade over time, requiring regular touch-ups. This makes microblading a versatile option for those who desire a more natural-looking, less permanent solution for fuller brows.

The Eyebrow Microblading Timeline: From Initial Consultation to Long-Lasting Results

Let's break down what you can expect from your first session to the final results.

Initial Session: Getting the Eyebrows You Want

Your first microblading session is all about creating the perfect eyebrows for you. It starts with an in-depth consultation with your brow artist. 

You'll talk about what you like and don't like, your skin tone, and how your face is shaped. This is so the artist can clearly understand what will look best on you.

After you're both on the same page about how your brows should look, the artist will draw a temporary outline on your eyebrows. Think of this as a draft before the real thing. It's there to make sure you like the shape before moving on to the next step.

Next comes the actual microblading. The artist uses a handheld tool with really fine needles. These needles put small amounts of pigment, or colour, into the top layers of your skin. 

Unlike a regular tattoo, which goes deeper and is more painful, microblading is less intense and focuses just on the surface layers of your skin.

The fine needles and the handheld tool let the artist make small, hair-like lines that look like your real eyebrow hairs. Ultimately, you get fuller, more shaped brows that fit your face.

Healing Process: Up to 2 months

Understanding the healing process of eyebrow tattoos allows you to know what to expect in your eyebrow microblading timeline:

  • Days 1 - 2: Your brows will initially look darker and more sharply defined than they will eventually appear.
  • Days 3 - 4: As your skin begins to heal, you may experience some itchiness in the treated area.
  • Days 5 - 7: Your brows may go through a patchy phase as they start to lighten, which is perfectly normal.
  • Weeks 2 - 4: The colour of your brows will normalise, looking softer and more natural.
  • Week 5 onwards: This is typically when you should schedule your touch-up session to refine the look and make any necessary adjustments.
  • One to Two Months: The healing process is pretty much completed, and your tattooed brows will have settled into their final appearance.

Each stage of healing plays a vital role in the overall longevity of eyebrow microblading, from immediate aftercare to the weeks following your touch-up session. 

Taking good care of your brows can prevent problems like scabbing and fading, making them last longer.

Brow healing process

Touch-Up Session: Keeping Your Brows Looking Great

As mentioned above, about 5 weeks after the first session, you'll go back for a touch-up. 

Why? Well, your skin will have mostly healed by this point, and it's common for some pigment areas to have faded or not adhered as effectively. 

The touch-up session in your eyebrow microblading timeline is a chance to fill in any gaps or faded areas, ensuring your brows look natural and full for longer.

Factors Affecting Longevity of Eyebrow Microblading

Quality of the Procedure

The skill level of your brow artist plays a big role in the longevity of eyebrow microblading. An experienced artist knows how to implant the pigment at the right depth, helping your results last longer.

Skin Type

Your skin type can also make a difference in how quickly the microblading fades. Oily skin might cause faster fading, while drier skin types often hold onto the pigment better.


Good aftercare is another crucial factor in the longevity of eyebrow microblading. This means avoiding water on the brows, staying out of direct sunlight, and using aftercare ointments as directed.


Your daily activities can affect how long your microblading lasts. Frequent sun exposure and swimming can make the colour fade faster. Activities that make you sweat can also speed up the fading.

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Eyebrow Microblading Fade

A common concern is how the eyebrows will look as the pigment fades. Here's what you can expect:

Initial Fading: After the first session, the colour may fade dramatically. Don't panic; this is typical and will be addressed during your touch-up session.

Progressive Fading: Over time, the strokes will soften, and the colour may lighten. This gradual fading can be elegant, leading to a more natural look.

Signs of Re-Treatment: When the colour lightens substantially, or the strokes become uneven, it's time to consult to visit our salon for a touch-up.


Aftercare of Eyebrow Feathering: For Longer Lasting Eyebrows

Proper care of your newly microbladed eyebrows is essential from the minute your treatment ends. This is a two-part commitment, starting with immediate steps right after your procedure and continuing with ongoing care to keep your brows looking their best.

What to Do Right After the Procedure

Right after your microblading treatment, it's important to blot away any excess fluid from the brow area with a clean tissue. 

Do this every five minutes for the first half-hour to help reduce swelling and prevent fluid buildup, which can interfere with healing. Aftercare of eyebrow feathering starts here, and neglecting it can result in eyebrow microblading fade.

Our team will give you a special ointment for the initial week following your treatment. Apply a very small amount—no larger than a grain of rice—using a cotton swab. 

Make sure not to apply too much, as this can slow the healing process. Always check that your brows are fully dry before applying the ointment. 

And remember, no sweating or wetting your brows for one week.

Eyebrow aftercare will help achieve results like these

First Week Care Tips to Prevent Eyebrow Microblading Fade

  • Limit shower time to reduce steam exposure, keeping your brow area dry.
  • Use a clean pillowcase for sleeping.
  • Avoid activities that make you sweat a lot.
  • Postpone facials, Botox, chemical treatments, and microdermabrasion for a month.
  • Don't scratch, pick, or rub the healing skin to avoid scarring or colour loss.

Following these steps can mitigate the chances of eyebrow microblading fade during the initial healing period.

Ongoing Maintenance for Lasting Results

To keep your brows looking as good as new for as long as possible, follow these simple, daily practices:

  • Wear a hat or use high-factor sunblock on your brows outside. Sun exposure can make the pigment fade faster, contributing to eyebrow microblading fade.
  • Be cautious with skincare products that contain strong active ingredients like glycolic acid or retinol, as they can cause the colour to fade prematurely.

Your role in maintaining the quality of your brows is crucial, from immediate steps to long-term care. 

Simple habits and precautions can make a big difference in how your brows heal and how long they stay looking fresh. Aftercare of eyebrow feathering is the key to preserving the beautiful results you've achieved.


What to Do When the Effects Fade?

After the microblading effects start to fade, a touch-up session is usually needed to bring back the colour and definition to your brows. 

The interval between touch-ups can range from 6 months to a year, depending on factors like your skin type, lifestyle, and the quality of the initial procedure.

As for how the pigment fades, you might notice a few different changes:

  • Line Blurring: The crisp, hair-like strokes may begin to blur, losing their distinct shapes and blending slightly into the surrounding skin.
  • Colour Lightening: The pigment will likely lighten over time, making your brows appear less vibrant than immediately after the procedure.
  • Uneven Fading: Parts of your brows may fade faster than others, leading to an uneven look that lacks symmetry.

To maintain your brows, monitor them closely, especially after the six month mark. When you notice the signs of fading, it's a good indicator that it's time to consult your brow artist for a touch-up session. 

Understanding the eyebrow microblading fade timeline helps you know what to expect before you get your eyebrows tattooed. 

Bottom line? Taking good care of your brows from day one is key to making them last longer. Chat with your brow artist for tips that work best for you. 

With the right care, you could have easy-to-maintain brows for up to three years.

Have questions? Contact our team and let’s talk about your dream brows.

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February 15, 2024 — Esther Buttery
Eyebrow feathering longevity

How long does eyebrow feathering last? Factors and timeline

Eyebrow feathering promises a natural, full-brow look that simplifies your daily beauty routine. So, how long does eyebrow feathering last? This guide will take you through the eyebrow feathering timeline, the factors affecting its longevity, and the all-important aftercare steps. And because we know you might be curious, we'll even discuss how feathering stacks up against microblading.

What is Eyebrow Feathering?

Eyebrow feathering is a type of semi-permanent tattooing that fills in sparse areas of your brows to enhance their natural shape. 

Using a handheld microblading tool, the cosmetic artist creates small, hair-like strokes, depositing pigment into the superficial dermis of the skin - the top layers - making a soft, feathery appearance that mimics real brow hairs. 


How Long Does Eyebrow Feathering Last? 

Micro-feathering lasts between 6 - 18 months.

So, why does eyebrow feathering fade? Unlike traditional tattooing, micro-feathering uses micro-pigment - which is why it doesn't last forever, and you need to have your brows touched up. 

At Tanya Beauty Care, we recommend getting your brows refreshed at least once a year to keep them looking in great shape.  

Microblading vs Micro-feathering: Which Lasts Longer?

Both microblading and micro-feathering are techniques used for creating fuller brows, but they differ in some key ways. 

Microblading involves making fine hair-like strokes, ideal for those with thin or sparse brows wanting a fuller shape.

Microfeathering is less invasive, filling only the sparse areas and leaving some gaps for a more natural look. This is more suitable for those who already have relatively full brows.

The longevity of eyebrow feathering is usually shorter than microblading. This is because microblading involves deeper pigment insertion.

However, the 'natural' look you get from micro-feathering might be worth the more frequent touch-ups for some. 

Eyebrow Feathering Timeline

Initial Consultation: What to Expect

Your first step at Tanya Beauty Care involves a detailed consultation with an expert brow artist. This is crucial for achieving long-lasting, beautiful brows.

During this consultation, the artist discusses your aesthetic preferences, examines your skin tone, and sketches an outline of your eyebrows. High-quality, hypoallergenic pigment is used to ensure safety and longevity.

Initial consultation

The Micro-feathering Process

After agreeing on your desired look, the actual brow work begins. First, your artist cleans the brow area and applies some numbing cream to minimise discomfort. 

Once the skin is ready, the artist finalises your desired brow shape. Special tools measure your brows accurately, marking where they should start, peak, and end. 

After you give the go-ahead, the artist lightly outlines this shape with an eyebrow pencil and removes any stray hairs.

Different shades of hypoallergenic ink are mixed together to ensure your brows match your natural colour. Then, using a specialised handheld tool, the artist starts making soft, feather-like strokes to fill in your brows.

This part is generally not too uncomfortable, thanks to the earlier application of numbing cream, but depending on your pain threshold, you will likely experience some discomfort.

To finish, a final coat of ink is applied and allowed to sit for around 10 minutes. This ensures the colour sets well, leaving you with lasting, natural-looking brows.

Immediately Post-Session

Here's what you can expect right after your session 

As soon as the micro-feathering is complete, your brow area may appear slightly red, and the colour of the brows will be notably darker than the final result will be. Don't worry; this is part of the usual process.

We will give you our soothing, antiseptic ointment to help kick-start healing.

Immediate eyebrow feathering aftercare advice:

These immediate aftercare steps are crucial for ensuring the longevity and appearance of your new brows. 

Aftercare of Eyebrow Feathering: First 7 days

  • Within the first half-hour post-session, gently dab your brows with a clean tissue to remove any excess ointment or natural oils that may hinder the pigment's settling ability.
  • Keep the area dry; this is super important! For the first seven days post-session, keeping your brows completely dry is essential. Avoid water, sweat, and steam to let the pigment settle into the skin.
  • From the fourth or fifth night, apply a light layer of antiseptic cream on your brows before bed. This helps in preventing any infection and aids in healing.
  • Resist the urge to scratch or pick at your brows, even if they start to itch during the healing process.
  • Avoid applying makeup or skincare products on or around the brow area for at least a week to prevent infection or pigment loss.

By following these aftercare steps diligently, you set the foundation for your brows to heal beautifully and maintain the pigment and the longevity of eyebrow feathering.

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The Healing Process: First Two Months

Overall, it will take about one to two months to complete the healing process, with the tattooed area settling into its final appearance.

Straight after the session at Tanya Beauty Care, your brows will appear darker than the final shade. The ink needs time to settle and blend into your skin.

Within the first week, you may experience itchiness and patchiness; this is completely normal. Expect your brows to start peeling or scabbing around the fifth or sixth night, which is a part of the healing process. 

As mentioned earlier, keep your eyebrows completely dry for the first seven days and apply antiseptic cream from the fourth or fifth night.

By the end of the first month, your brows will take on a softer and more natural appearance. 

About 5 - 6 weeks post-treatment, a touch-up session will be due. Your skin will have mostly healed, and some areas may need more pigment to achieve a balanced and long-lasting look.

Proper care during this healing phase is key to avoiding complications like scabbing and pigment loss, which can significantly impact the longevity of your feathering.


Aftercare of Eyebrow Feathering: Long-Term

Continuing to pay attention to the aftercare of eyebrow feathering after the initial healing stages is key to keeping your brows in top shape and potentially reducing how often you'll need touch-ups.

Sun Protection

The sun can fade your brow colour pretty quickly. To avoid this, always use sunscreen on your face. If you'll be out in the sun for a long time, ensure you also wear a hat. Good to protect your brows and your skin!

Skincare Products

The type of skincare products you use can also affect your brows. Products with ingredients like AHAs or retinol might make the colour fade faster. So, be sure to check what's in your skincare products before applying them near your brow area. 

These simple steps can make a big difference in how your feathered brows look over time.


Touch-Ups: Maintain Those Gorgeous Brows

Keeping your feathered brows looking their best does mean you'll need a touch-up now and then. At Tanya Beauty Care, we recommend coming in for a touch-up about once a year. 

This helps keep the colour vibrant and the shape defined so your brows continue to frame your face beautifully.

So, set a reminder for yourself and make sure to book your appointment in advance, especially if you're very happy with your current look and want to keep it that way.

Eyebrow maintenance


Factors Affecting Longevity

Your skin type

Your skin type plays a critical role in how long your micro-feathering will last.

Oily skin tends to resist ink differently than dry or combination skin, often leading to faster fading. If you have oily skin, it might be a good idea to schedule your touch-ups a bit sooner than the typical one-year mark.

How much time you spend in the sun

Regular exposure to the sun's UV rays can significantly speed up the fading process of your feathered brows. The sun can bleach the pigment, making it lighter and less distinct. 

We suggest using a brow-friendly SPF product, especially during the summer months, to protect your investment and keep your brows looking vibrant for longer.

Your skincare routine

Your skincare routine can also affect the staying power of your feathered brows.

Products containing acids (like glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or hyaluronic acid) or exfoliants can accelerate the fading process. If you can't live without your skincare products with these ingredients, you might notice your brows fading more quickly. 

Consider using these products less frequently on the brow area or consult with your cosmetic artist for alternative skincare options that won't have a negative affect on your brows.

How often you hit the gym or go swimming

If you have an active lifestyle involving many outdoor activities, swimming, or frequent sweating, it may cause the ink to fade quicker. Sweat and chlorine can be enemies to your feathered brows. 

With proper aftercare of eyebrow feathering and timely touch-ups can extend its life for up to 18 months. Understanding your skin type, protecting your brows from sun exposure, and maintaining a gentle skincare routine can further help preserve your look.

Have questions? Contact our team - we're here to help you achieve your brow goals!

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February 15, 2024 — Esther Buttery
Everything you need to know about eyebrow tattoos

What is cosmetic eyebrow tattooing? Everything you need to know

Ready to transform your brows and ditch the daily fill-in struggle? Here's everything you need to know about cosmetic eyebrow tattooing.

What is Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing?

Cosmetic eyebrow tattooing is a semi-permanent beauty treatment that enhances the fullness and definition of your brows. 

A cosmetic tattoo artist uses a handheld tool - a pen with tiny needles on one end - to create the illusion of natural hair by implanting pigment into your skin.

This procedure can seriously streamline your morning routine (no need to fill in patchy areas with makeup) and give you the confidence to have perfect brows 24/7.

While cosmetic eyebrow tattooing has been around for decades, the art has definitely evolved from those 'blocky' old-school tattoos. Today's techniques are all about creating natural and subtle looks, not the permanent marker-like brows you might imagine. 

Microblading is a form of cosmetic eyebrow tattooing that creates fine, hair-like strokes to mimic the appearance of natural eyebrow hairs. It's ideal if you have sparse or uneven brows and want a realistic result. 


The Different Types of Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattoo

At Tanya Beauty Care, we know one size doesn't fit all. That's why we offer different types of cosmetic eyebrow tattoo techniques at our salon. 

Micro-Feather Brows

A subtle twist on microblading, the micro-feather technique uses similarly fine strokes for a lighter touch. Think of it as your brows, but softly enhanced.

Ombré Pixel Misting

Fancy the filled-in look? Our Powder Eyebrow Tattoo technique, also known as Ombre brows, mimics the effect of brow powder makeup and is an excellent match for those with oily or acne-prone skin.

TBC Signature Combination Brows

This is one of our most popular techniques, a unique blend of microblading and powder tattooing techniques. The result? Natural strokes meet defined tails, giving you the ultimate brow versatility. You get the best of both worlds. 

Types of brow tattoos offered at Tanya Beauty Care


Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing Timeline

Preparing for Your Treatment

The best results start with a great canvas - your skin! Here's a quick guide to prepping your skin for your eyebrow tattoo.

Skin Readiness

  • Exfoliate the brow area the night before to help with pigment retention.
  • Tweezing, tinting, or waxing should be completed at least 72 hours before the procedure.
  • Wash your hair before or on the day of the treatment, as brows need to stay dry for seven days post-procedure.

Pre-Appointment Restrictions

  • Skip the gym on the day of your treatment—body heat can expand pores.
  • Avoid sun exposure and sunburn for three days prior.
  • Ditch the coffee and caffeine on the day of your appointment.
  • Skip Fish oil, Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, and Ibuprofen 48 - 72 hours before, unless medically necessary. These can thin your blood.
  • No alcohol 24 hours before or after the procedure.
  • No facial treatments for two weeks leading up to your appointment.
  • Hold off on Botox treatments 2 - 4 weeks before the procedure.

Before the Procedure

  • Consultation: The first step is a sit-down with a qualified technician. This is your time to discuss your goals, ask questions, and clarify your preferred eyebrow shape.
  • Patch Test: We perform a patch test to rule out any allergic reactions to the pigments we use.

During the Procedure

  • Preparation: We'll begin by sanitising your skin and applying a topical anaesthetic.
  • Outlining: Next, your technician will sketch the brow shape that you've discussed, acting as a roadmap for the tattooing process.
  • Tattooing: Then comes the main act. Using specialised tools, pigment is meticulously implanted into your skin, depending on your chosen technique.

Immediate Post-Procedure

  • In the first 30 minutes post-procedure, you'll need to gently blot the area with a clean tissue every 5 minutes to absorb any excess lymph fluid. This stops the fluid from hardening and aids the healing process.

Days 1 - 7 Post-Procedure

  • Ointment Time: We provide you with a specific aftercare ointment. A little dab, about the size of a rice grain, is all you need for the entire brow area. Remember to keep your brows dry this week; water and sweat are not your friends right now.

Other Important Aftercare Tips

  • Keep the area dry and cool. From avoiding direct sunlight to shortening your showers, your brows need a break for the initial days.
  • Please don't touch the area: As tempting as it may be, leave those scabs alone and let nature do its thing. Picking at them might lead to scarring or colour loss.

To complete the cosmetic eyebrow tattooing timeline, full healing takes about 4 - 6 weeks, during which you may experience scabbing and fading. A follow-up appointment is usually scheduled to touch up any areas where the pigment didn't take as well.

Long-term Care

Want your brows to last as long as possible? Keep them protected from the sun, and be cautious with skincare products containing high active ingredient concentrations.

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Factors of Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing

Let's cover a few factors of cosmetic eyebrow tattooing you'll want to consider before taking the plunge.

Choosing the right technician

Here's our golden advice: don't leave your brows to chance. Choose a well-reviewed, highly recommended cosmetic studio with a proven track record.

At Tanya Beauty Care, we pride ourselves on over 16 years of experience and an arsenal of 300+ 5-star reviews on Google. 

Trusting us with your brows means placing yourself in the hands of impeccably trained artists at the top of their game. Check out the stunning before and after transformations we've made possible for our clients.

Preparing for some discomfort

You might find getting a cosmetic eyebrow tattoo uncomfortable, depending on your pain level tolerance. 

The skin around your brow is sensitive and will be pierced to deposit the pigment into the skin. So, pain is a factor to consider, although most of our clients find it tolerable (like a scratching or tweezing sensation) and applying numbing cream can help reduce the discomfort. 

Commitment to eyebrow tattoo aftercare 

Proper aftercare is crucial for the longevity and appearance of your eyebrow tattoo. 

From the immediate blotting post-procedure, to the delicate art of ointment application, meticulous aftercare can make or break your final result. 

We'll equip you with aftercare instructions to ensure the best result possible. 

Here's a quick rundown of what to do and what to avoid:


  • Use the ointment provided by Tanya Beauty Care for 7 days post-procedure.
  • Stay out of direct sunlight for 4 weeks and wear a hat.
  • Use a clean pillowcase daily for the first 10 days.
  • Limit showers to 5 minutes and avoid getting the brow area wet.


  • Pick scabs. Allow them to fall off naturally as picking can cause scarring or colour loss.
  • Get a facial. No chemical peels, microdermabrasion, or Botox for 4 weeks post-procedure.
  • Get sweaty with exercise or swim for a week post-procedure. 

Sticking to these aftercare guidelines means you're on your way to long-lasting and beautiful brows.


Things to Know About Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing

Maintenance is required

One of the most important things to know about cosmetic eyebrow tattooing is it does require touch ups - we recommend every 6 to 12 months. This will help to maintain your eyebrow tattoo's optimal shape and saturation.

You'll experience a healing stage

After a permanent makeup procedure, you can typically expect tenderness, redness, and swelling in the treated area. 

Within 3 - 4 days, you may experience moderate to thick scabbing, which will start to flake off between days 5 and 10. 

Initially, the pigment may appear light, grey, and blurry, but it will regain its full colour once the area is fully healed, about four weeks post-procedure.

Removal is an option

If you've had a bad experience and are unhappy with your brows, laser removal treatment is an option. In many cases, clients have turned to us for laser removal after a disappointing result from a previous procedure. 

We use a high-energy Q-switched laser to break down tattoo pigments into tiny pieces, allowing your body to naturally eliminate them. Over multiple treatments, the tattoo fades and eventually disappears. 

However, as they say, prevention is better than cure, which is why choosing a highly talented and capable artist is essential. This way, you won't need to deal with the aftermath of disappointing brows and cosmetic removal. 

There is some risk involved 

Though rare, risks can include infection and allergic reactions. 

This is especially true if the salon or tattoo artists don't follow proper hygiene protocols or post-care guidance isn't followed. 

Once again, it highlights the importance of choosing a reputable artist to minimise risks. We also use hypoallergenic pigments to reduce the chance of an allergic reaction.

Things to know about eyebrow tattooing


How Long Does Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing Last?

Cosmetic eyebrow tattoos can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, depending on various factors such as skin type, sun exposure, and the skincare you use.

  • Micro-feathering: Generally lasts from 6 to 18 months. 
  • Ombré Pixel Misting: Can last up to 5 years.
  • TBC Combination Brow: Generally lasts up to 2 years. 

In addition to aftercare, your skin type plays a role in the longevity of your cosmetic eyebrow tattoos. Pigment fades faster for oily-skinned types, so choosing a technique like Ombré Pixel Misting can deliver a longer-lasting result. 


How Much is Cosmetic Eyebrow Tattooing?

How much is cosmetic eyebrow tattooing at Tanya Beauty Care? To find out the current cost check out our pricing page for the latest rates on different options. If you have any queries, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to give you the brows you've always wanted!

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February 15, 2024 — Esther Buttery
How to become a cosmetic tattoo artist

How to Become a Cosmetic Tattoo Artist

Have an artistic flair and a passion for beauty? Being a cosmetic tattoo artist can be a super rewarding career path! Our guide steps you through how to become a cosmetic tattoo artist, sharing what you need to know to launch, and excel in, your career. 


What is a Cosmetic Tattoo Artist?

A cosmetic tattoo artist, also known as permanent makeup artists, uses tattooing techniques to enhance or mimic the appearance of traditional makeup. 

Cosmetic tattooing includes a range of procedures: 

As you progress in your career, you might choose to specialise in a particular procedure or train in multiple techniques. 

Why become a cosmetic tattoo artist?

This exciting career path can be rewarding in so many ways:

  • Expressing your artistic skills while enhancing clients' natural beauty offers a great sense of accomplishment.
  • You can help clients feel more confident by enhancing their features and addressing concerns, boosting their self-esteem.
  • Cosmetic tattooing offers continuous learning and growth, with new techniques and products constantly emerging.
  • This career path provides the potential for entrepreneurship, allowing you to be your own boss and turn your passion into a successful business!


How to become a cosmetic tattoo artist

Enrol in a premier cosmetic tattoo course

The first step is to complete a reputable training program in cosmetic tattooing

Currently no occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to cosmetic tattoo artists in Australia. Essentially, this means there are no compulsory licences or certifications needed by law to work as a cosmetic tattoo artist.

However, to excel in cosmetic tattooing and deliver exceptional results for your clients, practical, comprehensive training under the guidance of experienced tattoo artists is essential.

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How to choose the best cosmetic tattoo course


Check reviews: Do your homework and check out independent reviews from reliable sources, not just those highlighted on the course website. This will give you a more balanced perspective on the course's quality and reputation.

Evaluate modules: Assess the modules offered in the training course. Do they cover a comprehensive range of topics relevant to cosmetic tattooing, including techniques, safety, client consultation, and aftercare?

Student outcomes: Research the course's track record and the success of its graduates. Look for evidence of students achieving positive outcomes and excelling in their cosmetic tattooing careers after they’ve finished the training.

Trainer expertise: Look into the trainers' qualifications. Verify their experience in cosmetic tattooing - do they have a strong industry background to provide expert insights and guidance?

Practical component: How much hands-on practice is included in the course? Practical experience is an absolute must for developing the skills you need. The course should offer plenty of opportunity for supervised practice.

Post course support: Confirm what kind of support and guidance you’ll get from the provider after training has finished.

Tanya beauty care training academy

Join Tanya Beauty Care's Training Academy and you’ll learn the art of cosmetic tattooing from the best in Australia! With over 16 years of experience and hundreds of independent reviews, we deliver expert-led training to equip our students with skills to excel and become stand-out artists.

Gain experience and build your portfolio

Starting your career may mean working in a spa, salon, or cosmetic clinic, under the supervision of a seasoned professional. This stage is all about gaining practical experience, refining your skills, and learning the ins and outs of the business.

Meanwhile, start building a professional portfolio that showcases your best work. Take high quality, before-and-after photos of your clients (with their permission, of course). An outstanding portfolio is a powerful tool for attracting new clients or employers.

Keep learning and consider specialising 

Techniques, trends, and equipment change, and it's essential to stay updated. Keep your skills sharp and stay on top of new trends by attending workshops, seminars, or industry conferences.

You might also choose to specialise in a particular area of cosmetic tattooing, such as microblading or lip tattooing. Becoming an experienced specialist can open up new opportunities and allow you to carve out a niche for yourself in the industry.

Develop your business skills

If you’re planning to work for yourself or run your own studio someday, you need to hone your business skills. Understanding how to market yourself, manage finances and run the day-to-day administration side of a business is a must. You can also begin setting yourself up with the cosmetic tattoo supplies you need. Networking with other professionals in the beauty and tattooing industry can also be beneficial.

We hope our guide on how to become a cosmetic tattoo artist has been helpful! Have questions about Tanya Beauty Care Academy? We’d love to hear from you -  contact our team today. Good luck on your journey!

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February 15, 2024 — Anne Do